Thursday, December 23, 2004

Jeff Buckley Tribute

How exciting can a blog entry be when all we say is "blah blah is so nice" "we had a great time.."
but this is another one of those entries...
last night we played with the most amazing bands in Pittsburgh, Brennan (formerly of Monarch), New Invisible Joy, The Quick and some other people who I have no idea what their names are, only that these 3 guys can play a typewriter like no one's business. Anyway, club cafe is one of the best places to play in PGH and we hope to be back soon. Thanks to everyone involved for last night's success and I hope to see you all again!


Anonymous said...

yeah, I didn't see the typewriter people, wish I couldve but at least I saw you guys. yall did pretty good, and I liked your new stuff. just filling in a reply for yall.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing as well!

I had such a great great time,

Jasin, the one in the middle of three typewriting peoples.

Anonymous said...

yer all a buncha fags. butt clowns!

Anonymous said...

own up to that comment cock sucker