Friday, January 26, 2007

What chu do... fall dahn?

Drew took a hilarious nose-dive last night at Lava Lounge while jumping on his piano. If anyone has any pics or stories, please comment... He's not dead and didn't break anything somehow...



Anonymous said...


you guys played one hellava show. I couldnt sleep last night cause I was thinking about each song... and the dude ass dancing all over everybody there. disturbing in thought, but in actuality was quite funny.

Anonymous said...

In a Hulk Hogan like manner the body slam of the century was unfortunately over-shadowed by the best rump shaking that any spring breaker has ever seen. Though the artic air that has frozen our city to its core has cause most the city dwellers to bundle up, our dancing guru showed up in a thong bikini to further draw attention to his flaming members. As you would've expected the gracious lead singer could do nothing less than offer the extremely "happy" individual a dance. In shock after the shuffle from the fancy footwork Drew was over come with jealousy and anger set in with the climax of an "orchestrated crash in D minor". After a 2-54129811469841 minute pause it appeared that mindless television has actually proven one statement true..."Hogan knows best!", and Drew arose to finish the set in a finger flailing fashion.