Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Been a while

I owe it to my adoring fans.. I mean I owe it to.. umm.. Who reads this thing? blogs are so cool these days, I just need to try and fit somehow. There's been a lot going on in school of Athens, there's a lot to write about, I don't know if I can remember what's worth writing about, so I'll try and recap highlights of the month(s):

the band flew out to LA on a big 'ol plane and recorded five songs in 3 long days. We also played a show at a place called "The Good Hurt" in Venice.

Drove to NYC to play at Arlene's Grocery. I've never been to NYC when it wasn't -30 degrees and I was broke as all get-up, so I never was crazy about the place. this time was no exception.

Club cafe show with Like Summer. The place was sold out. I was going crazy. You really do feed off the people's energy, and such a small room filled to capacity was amazing.

Arlene's Grocery, NYC again. This time I actually did like NYC much better. Not that I had any money, but warm weather sure helps. We drove up and came back the same day. Crazy.

Wait 10 more days and maybe I’ll have something to tell you. All I know is Nine Inch Nails is coming out with a new CD. something I’ve been looking forward to for years.

This entry expresses the opinions of Neal and only Neal.

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